Privacy Policy

By using BeeCalm or any Belleau Technologies, LLC product (including, but not limited to BeeCalm, PromptSmart Lite, PromptSmart Pro, PromptSmart ESP, PromptSmart Pro Extended, PromptSmart Remote Control, and PromptSmart Studio Edition – referred to as “covered products”), you are consenting to the following Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy governs your use of all covered products. We design our apps to use the minimum amount of user information or device information needed for us to provide our customers with an excellent experience. We are not profiling you without your knowledge. We do not sell customer information lists or usage information to any third parties. At all phases of our business, we take reasonable steps to protect your information.

Owner and Data Controller

The owner of all information collected from BeeCalm is Belleau Technologies LLC.

User-Provided Information:

BeeCalm only contains information you provide us about yourself in your account, such as your email address and password. Any mixes created in BeeCalm by users shall not be proprietary in anyway, and Belleau is granted an irrevocable license for any legal purpose, including, but not limited to, viewing, listening, reproducing, publicly performing, downloading, or analyzing mixes made in BeeCalm for any legal purpose, including for commercial purposes. By using BeeCalm, customers disclaim any copyright claim against Belleau with regard to the sounds in the app and combinations thereof.

Automatically-Collected Information:

BeeCalm collects information about usage of the app, including but not limited to the play frequency of the sounds. BeeCalm also may collect certain information automatically, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device you use, your mobile devices unique device ID, the IP address of your mobile device, your mobile operating system, the type of mobile Internet browsers you use, and information about the way you use BeeCalm.

Protection of Your Personal Information:

Anonymized data is periodically transmitted to external services in order to help us improve the Application and our service. We will share your information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this privacy statement, or as otherwise required by law. We may disclose User-Provided and/or Automatically-Collected Information:

If you wish to withdraw your consent to the automatic collection of usage information and other metrics, you may do so easily by uninstalling our Applications. You may use the standard uninstall processes as may be available as part of your mobile device or via the mobile application marketplace or network.

Data Retention Policy

We retain User-Provided data for as long as you use our Applications and for a reasonable time thereafter. We will retain Automatically-Collected indefinitely and will respond to reasonable requests to delete such information..

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Compliance:

We do not use the Application to knowingly solicit data from or market to children under the age of 13. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with information without their consent, he or she should contact us at We will delete such information from our files within a reasonable time.


We are concerned about safeguarding the confidentiality of your information. We provide physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect information we process and maintain. For example, we limit access to your information to authorized employees and contractors who need to know that information in order to operate, develop, or improve our covered products. Please be aware that, although we endeavor to provide reasonable security for information we process and maintain, no security system can prevent all potential security breaches.


This Privacy Policy may be freely amended for any reason. We will notify you of any changes to our Privacy Policy by posting our most current Privacy Policy on the website and by providing conspicuous links to the posted policy within our Applications. You are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes, as continued use of our Applications is deemed to be a consent to the terms of this policy.

Your Consent

By using the Application, you are consenting to our processing of your information as set forth in this Privacy Policy now and as amended by us. "Processing,” means using cookies on a computer/hand held device or using or touching information in any way, including, but not limited to, collecting, storing, deleting, using, combining and disclosing information, all of which activities will take place in the United States. If you reside outside the United States your information will be transferred, processed and stored in the United States under United States privacy standards. If you have any questions regarding privacy while using the Application, or have questions about our practices, please contact us via email at